Privacy policy, cookie policy, terms and conditions

Privacy policy

The website is run by Eos Web I/S by Emil Maltesen Frandsen and Steeven Hegelund Spangsdorf. We only collect personal data through this website in order to carry through the order made by the customer, incl. for invoicing and delivery.

When collecting, treating and using your personal data, we always follow relevant regulation.

We will only keep your personal data for as long as we either have a legal obligation to or for as long as it is relevant for the purpose for which it was collected.

Information we collect

If you wish to purchase and receive a product or service from us we have to collect certain personal data in order to carry through your order and to be able to offer you our services. We use cookies to keep track of the content in your web shopping cart while you use our web shop.

We collect information such as name, e-mail address, postal address (for invoicing), delivery address (if different from postal address), telephone number and payment information.

Eos Web I/S collects and handles your personal data when you perform the following:

  • Visit our website
  • Carry through a purchase and/or make and order for our products
  • Send us questions, complaints, claims, feedback or other inquiries

The data responsible

The data responsible who is responsible for collecting, handling and using your personal information on is Eos Web I/S, a registered company in Denmark under the CVR no. 33888546.


We collect your ordinary contact information such as name and address in order to deliver the product or service you have purchased or ordered from us. Your e-mail address is collected in order to send you the order confirmation as well as for delivery confirmation.

When you pay for your product or service, we collect your name, payment card data and IP address. The information collected for the payment transaction is only used and stored for carrying through the payment and to fulfill the agreement made. In order to carry through payments, some of your data will be delivered to PayPal, incl. information necessary to carry through or support the payment processing (such as the total amount and invoice information).

If you do not wish to give us those personal data that are required to carry through a purchase of a product from our website, you unfortunately are not able to use our website or purchase our products.

Your information (apart form e-mail address in case you have given consent for us to send you regular offers, newsletters or similar) will be deleted 12 months after you have received your product or service.

Other third-parties

We do not sell your personal data to third-parties and we do not transfer your personal data to third-world countries.

Our website is hosted at web host Unoeuro and the payment system on out website is through PayPal who functions as our data handler. All personal data that you give on our website is kept in data centers at Unoeuro.

We use external companies as suppliers in order to deliver our services in the best possible manner. These external suppliers are data handlers and will in certain cases handle personal information in regard to their delivery of service to us. Our data handlers will only handle personal information according to our instructions and in accordance with relevant regulation.

We and our data handlers have committed to data treatment agreements, which is our warranty that ensures us that they keep relevant regulation regarding protection of personal information.

Your rights

As the registered user you are provided certain rights that we at all times will ensure our fulfillment of. You have the right to request us for the following:

  • To gain access to or have edited/corrected your personal information
  • To have your personal information deleted

You furthermore have the right to protest against our handling of your personal data and you have the right to file a complaint to a data protection authority.

If you no longer want us to keep your personal information or if you want our handling of your personal information limited, you can always send us a request through the contact form out our website.

Cookie and privacy policy


When you visit our website and place orders via our web shop, information is collected about you in order to optimise and improve our content. If you do not wish for information to be collected, you must delete your browser cookies (see guide) and stop using our website. Below we have clarified which information that are collected in this regard, their purpose and which third-parties who have access to them.


The website uses "cookies", which are text files that are stored on your computer, mobile phone or the like with the purpose of recognising the devide or browser, remember settings and content in the web shop cart and for statistical purposes. Cookies cannot contain harmful code such as virus.

It is possible to delete or block browser cookies. See this guide:

If you delete or block cookies, you risk that the website does not function optimally and that you do not have access to some content.

Personal information


Personal information is all types of information that in any manner can be traces back to you. When you use our website, we collect and handle some such information. This happens for example during ordinary visits and access to content, if you subscribe to news letters, participate in competitions or questionnaires, register as user or subscriber, and during other use of services or purchases via the website.

We typically collect and handle the following types of information: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet, mobile phone or other device, your IP number, geographical location as well as which pages you open. If you explicitly consent hereto and type in the information yourself, the following data is also handled: name, telephone number, e-mail address, postal addresses and payment information. This will typically be in regards to purchases or registration for login.


Vi handle your personal information safely and confidentially and in accordance with relevant regulation. Your information will only be used for the purpose for which is was collected, and will be deleted when the purpose is fulfilled (and after relevant or required storage period).

We have ensured technical and organisational measures against your information being illegally or neglectfully deleted, made public, lost, damaged, misused or stolen or in other ways coming under the risk of illegal activity.


The information is used to identify you as a user and to register your purchases and payments as well as for delivering the services and products you have requested. Apart from this, we may also use the information for anonymous statistical purposes to investigate the general activity and visitor statistics on our web site.

Duration of data storage

Your information will maximally be stored for as long as allowed according to relevant regulation, and we will delete them when no longer necessary. The time period will depend on the type of information and the reason for storage.

Insight and complaints

You have a right to get insight into which personal information we handle about you in a clear-text format (data-portable). You may also at any time object against your information being used. You can also recall your consent for the your information being used. If information used about you are incorrect, you have the right to have them corrected or deleted. Inquiries about this can be done through our contact form on the website. If you want to complain about our handling of your personal information, you can contact the relevant data authority.

If you no longer wish for us to handle your personal information, or if you want our handling of your personal information limited, you can send us a request directly.

Terms and conditions for products, services and purchases

Applies for orders and purchases made through the website, run by Eos Web I/S, Danish CVR no.: 33888546.

Prices and stock

We reserve the right to change prices without prior notice. Products may be sold out or the stock may be low, and so delays must be expected.


Payments are received through PayPal's external payment solution. All amounts are in Danish Kroner (DKK) and incl. VAT (value-added tax). 


Products are dispatched daily. We seek to dispatch orders before five o'clock on the same day. Delays must be expected in cases of busy times and low stock.

We dispatch to the whole world with a fixed delivery price within Denmark and another fixed delivery price outside of Denmark. The delivery price will be displayed in the product overview in the web shopping cart before purchase. Products will be delivered on the delivery address submitted with the order.

Your orders will primarily be sent with Post Nord and GLS.

Note: Depending on delivery type, if there is is space on the receiving package central, the delivery might be moved to the next, nearest receiving central. You will be notified by the delivery/postal company. If any problems arise, please contact us through the contact form on the website.

We are not responsible for changes in dispatch time or delays caused by Post Nord, GLS or other delivery company. We are not responsible for any delays due to causes appearing after dispatch from our location.

Warranty and right of complaint

You have two year warranty according to relevant regulation. Our right to complaint covers damages and errors during fabrication/printing of the product. You may have the product exchanged or the payment returned depending on the situation. Complaints do not cover errors or damages that have happened due to wrong handling of the product. You must send your complaint within reasonable time after discovering the issue. We cover the expense for the return to a reasonable extent.

To return the product and in other way use your right to complaint, please send the parcel to:

Eos Web I/S
cc/ Steeven Hegelund Spangsdorf
Eremitageparken 103, 2c
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby

Contact us in writing via the contact form on this website before returning a product.

Der modtages ikke forsendelser pr. efterkrav.


In case of refunds, please send your bank account information (all relevant information for the transfer) so the agreed amount can be refunded. These information can without any risk be sent per e-mail or in other electronic form as it does not contain sensitive information.

Right of cancellation

We provide 14 days full right of cancellation of orders bought through our web shop.

The period starts the day

  • you receive the order
  • you receive the final product from a larger order that has been sent in several portions
  • you receive the last part in cases where delivery per prior agreement consists of several parts
  • you receive the first product in cases of regular (such as subscription-based) delivery of orders over a longer period.

You cover any refund expenses yourself.

Cancellation must be announced to us latest 14 days after the purchase (according to the above description of the definition of the period), and after the cancellation you must return the product to us within 14 days. The announcement of cancellation must be done through the contact form on this website. In the announcement you must make it clear that you wish to make use of your right to cancellation. 

You cannot cancel an order by simply refusing to receive it at the delivery address.

When returning a product, you are responsible for proper packaging and protection during dispatch. Enclose a copy of the order confirmation. 

You carry the risk and responsibility of the product from the moment the product was delivered to you and until we have received it.

The state of the product at return

You are responsible for reduction of the value of the product, if the product in your care has been damaged, scratched, folded or the like which reduces the value of the product regarding resale. If the product is considered not possible to sell, your right to cancellation no longer applies.

Refund of the amount

If you change your mind after a purchase within the time period described above, you of course get your paid amount refunded.

In cases of value reduction of the product while in your care, as described above, the loss in value is subtracted the amount before refund.
By using your right to cancellation, all payments received from you regarding this order are refunded including delivery costs (except for extra expenses that may have been added due to your choice of other delivery form than the cheapest form of default delivery that we offer). Refunds will be done without undue delay and latest 14 days from the date we have received your announcement of your decision to make use of your right to cancellation. Refunding is done through the same form of payment as you used for the original transaction, unless you clearly express differently within reasonable methods.

We will hold on to the refund until we have received the returned product, unless you before that have shown documentation that you have returned it.

Methods for complaints

If you have a complaint about a product bought in our web shop, you can send a complaint to either the Danish authority:

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens Center for Klageløsning
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
DK-2500 Valby

or, if you line in another EU country, you can file your complaint in the EU Commission online complaint platform:
The platform is found here:


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